Gardening and Your Back

Change hands frequently when you rake the lawn

(HealthDayNews) -- The return of green grass and spring flowers mean it's time to get out your rake and hoe. But gardening is a strenuous activity that can strain your back.

The Canadian Chiropractic Association suggests these tips:

  • Do the scissors when you rake. Stand with your right leg forward and your left leg back and switch every few minutes. This will keep you from bending and twisting your back.
  • Change hands frequently. This prevents muscle strain on one side of the body.
  • Use a long-handed tool; it lets you avoid bending forward and sideways as you work.
  • Lift using the muscle power of your legs.
  • Kneel to weed and plant. You can buy special knee pads and mats that make kneeling more comfortable.
  • Drink plenty of fluids while you work and stretch, or take a short walk at the end of your gardening stint.

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