Where Have They Gone?

You lose a few bones as you get older

(HealthDayNews) -- You probably haven't noticed, but you've already lost 144 bones in your body.

A baby is born with 350 bones, but almost half gradually fuse into the approximately 206 you have in your adult skeleton, according to The National Geographic Society. The number of bones varies slightly because some people have an extra pair of ribs or fewer vertebrae in their spines.

A newborn's head, for instance, is made of 29 bones that become fused to make an adult skull.

A few other facts: One quarter of all the bones in your body are in your feet. The longest and strongest bone in the body is the thigh bone or femur, which is usually 27 percent of your total height. And the smallest bone is in your middle ear. It's called the stirrup and measures between .1 and .14 inches.

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