Common Procedures Do Help Injured Knees

Studies found cartilage repairs restored function, eased pain

MONDAY, Feb. 28, 2005 (HealthDay News) -- Two new studies show that the two most commonly performed cartilage-repair techniques restore mobility and reduce pain in injured knees.

Patients in both studies recovered more knee function and experienced less pain after the procedures. Before this, surgeons had no evidence apart from their own experience that these commonly practiced surgeries actually work.

One study investigated the "microfracture procedure," a technique that involves drilling small holes to induce bleeding, clotting and tissue re-growth. The other study examined a procedure called osteochondral allograft, which involves bone and cartilage grafts to repair significant cartilage damage.

In both cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) of the affected knees, as well as patient questionnaires, found the practices lowered patient pain and prompted effective tissue repair.

The studies were conducted by the Institute for Cartilage Repair at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. The findings were presented recently at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons' annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

More information

The National Institutes of Health has more about knee injuries and disorders.

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