A Frog 'Kiss' Could be Princely

Venom could help heart, cancer patients

(HealthDay) -- In what could be a medical variation of the classic fairy tale, the "kiss" of a frog might be magic for human cancer and heart patients, reports this Science Daily story.

The venom from exotic species of rain forest frogs, ranging from the Giant Mexican Leaf Frog to the African Running Frog, has properties that reduce human high blood pressure and blood clotting, says the story, which details the research at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland.

Scientists from the U.S. National Institutes of Health have found that the venom in the skin of a frog from Ecuador, while too toxic for direct human use, can be adapted as a pain killer 200 times more effective than morphine, and it's not addictive, reports PSA Rising, a publication about cancer research.

This Scientific American report tells about venoms from frogs and snakes that could help humans with gastrointestinal problems.

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