Health Tip: Using a Pedometer

A step toward better health

(HealthDayNews) -- A tiny electronic gadget called a pedometer may encourage more people get up and get moving. Worn on a belt or waistband, it records the movement of the hip, counting the number of footsteps you've taken.

If you take 5,000 or fewer steps in a day, you're sedentary. Most middle-aged adults take 6,000 to 7,000 steps daily, an amount considered insufficiently active. For good health, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a goal of 10,000 steps each day.

Here's how to get started. Get your doctor's OK if you're unaccustomed to exercise. Then determine your daily-step baseline by wearing a pedometer during a typical day. Next, pick an appropriate step goal that you think you can sustain. Gradually increase your activity beyond your baseline.

Be sure to contact your doctor if any health problems arise as you increase activity.

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