Think You're Full of Hot Air?

Think again

(HealthDayNews) -- Did you know that an average, 160-pound person is half full of water?

Even if you're sweating profusely, your body usually holds 70 to 80 pints of water. And half of it gets replaced every 10 days.

Only half the replacement water comes from drinking liquids. The rest comes from: each meal you eat, which replaces more than half a pint because most food is half water, and from oxidizing that food during digestion.

In a temperate climate, without unusual exertion, you lose about five pints of water a day, although you can lose as much as 20 pints if you're working very hard in very hot weather, says Anthony Smith, author of The Body.

But beware: If you lose more than 15 percent of your body's water in an hour, you'll die.

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