Protect Yourself, Doggone It!

Tips on avoiding dog bites

Dogs usually make great pets, but sometimes they bite. Phoenix Children's Hospital offers advice on ways to avoid nasty nips, or worse:

  • Never leave infants or toddlers alone with a dog;
  • If you don't have a dog when your child is born, wait until he or she is at least 6 years old to get one;
  • Teach kids not to tease, hurt or take objects from a dog.
  • Tell your kids to report bites from an unfamiliar dog to an adult immediately. Note if the dog had a collar, what it looked like and which way it went. Then wash the bite with soap and water and seek a doctor's assistance.

And the hospital offers this advice for people of all ages: never bother a dog that's eating or sleeping; never grab a dog, even your own, during a dogfight (instead stand aside and sharply yell "no"), and if you're ever attacked, curl up in a ball and cover your face.

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