Health Tip: Concussions

Know the early warning signs

(HealthDayNews) -- A blow or jolt to the head can disrupt the normal function of the brain. Doctors often call this type of impact a concussion or closed head injury, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

After a concussion, some people lose consciousness, while others simply are dazed. Any person who may have suffered a concussion should see a doctor immediately.

In rare cases, along with a concussion, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain and crowd the brain against the skull. Contact your doctor or emergency department if, after a blow or jolt to the head, you have headaches that get worse, weakness, numbness, decreased coordination, or repeated vomiting.

Other urgent warning signs include having one pupil larger than the other, having convulsions or seizures, slurred speech, and confusion.

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