Teens and Stress

Some tips to help you cope

Parents of teens are all-too-familiar with stress. But teens feel stress, too, and adolescents are often less quipped to deal with it.

The folks at Teen Contact offer these coping strategies for teens:

  • You are in control of your own emotions and how you look at and deal with situations, even if you can't change the situation.
  • Recognize that you often are in charge of your stress. Choose to make changes that reduce stress.
  • Be realistic and determine the true importance of the situation. Is this going to affect you in five years? Will you even remember it? Are you overreacting?
  • Give yourself or someone else a break. Remember, nobody's perfect.
  • Prioritize the things you have to do and come up with a plan.
  • Exercise, eat right and take care of yourself.
  • Have a sense of humor about the situation (and yourself.)
  • Talk to someone. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

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