The Sensitive Male

Men aren't 'emotional mummies,' psychologist says

(HealthDay) -- Mark S. Kiselica, a psychologist at the College of New Jersey in Ewing, disputed the "Men-Are-From-Mars" notion at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association this week in San Francisco.

Contrary to popular notions, he says most men aren't "emotional mummies" who shut off their emotions and distance themselves from their partners, says this MSNBC report.

In psychological terms, the emotionally detached condition is called alexithymia, which is characterized by impairments in the ability to identify, recognize and express emotions. The Canadian Psychiatric Association offers a detailed, technical description of the condition.

And Gerald L. Rowles, who earned his Ph.D. with a dissertation on alexithymia, says America is in the midst of an epidemic of the condition. Rowles also heads Da*Di -- Dads Against the Divorce Industry.

Less disputable is the notion that men and women have different ways of communicating, as this Ohio State University fact sheet describes.

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