Health Tip: Separation Anxiety Doesn't Have to Go On and On

Here's how to make it less painful for your child

(HealthDay News) -- Although separation anxiety is a normal part of childhood development, it can be unsettling. This condition occurs when a small child isn't within sight distance of his or her parent, and can result in crying and clinging.

Here's what the Nemours Foundation says can be done to reduce the aggravation and make goodbyes easier for children:

  • Try not to start day care with an unfamiliar person when your child is between the ages of 8 months and 1 year.
  • Try scheduling departures for after naps and mealtimes, when the child is the least restless or cranky.
  • Gradually practice being apart from your child.
  • Familiarize your child with their new babysitter or day care setting.
  • Be calm and consistent.
  • Follow through on promises, such as coming back at the time you say you will return.

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