Laid Off? Don't Lay Back

Make finding work a full-time job

(HealthDayNews) -- If you've been laid off, your self-esteem has probably taken a beating. But even if you don't feel confident, it's important that you appear that way to prospective employers.

Magellan Health Services offers these tips for staying upbeat while searching for a new job:

  • Form a support group with others in your situation.
  • Conduct a self-evaluation. If you could start over, what would you want to do? Consider taking a night course to improve your skills for today's market.
  • Boost your self-esteem by getting letters of appreciation and recommendation from recent co-workers and supervisors.
  • Make finding a job a full-time job. Get out of the house and talk with people. Most jobs are found through networking.
  • Be persistent. Don't just send out your resume. Follow up with each potential employer to see what more you can do to increase your chances of getting hired.
  • When you find a position you would like, research the company and customize your application to fit it as closely as possible with what the employer needs.
  • Before your job interview, review your successes and skills. Forget about the number of times you've been turned down and go in with a positive attitude.

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