Shy Teens

Tips for overcoming timidity

(HealthDayNews) -- Does your teenage child feel uncomfortable around others?

Help your child overcome timidity with these tips from Akron Children's Hospital in Ohio:

  • Encourage your child to face her fears. If she's nervous about joining a new club or going to a party, persuade her to do it anyway.
  • Tell her to work at overcoming her shyness by taking baby steps. For example, she can strike up conversation with the person who sits next to her in one of her classes at school.
  • Give pep talks, especially before she goes into a new situation. Encourage her to banish negative thoughts and tell herself she will get through it.
  • Work on changing her non-verbal cues. Tell her to stand up straight, speak in a clear voice, and avoid crossing her arms.
  • Role play uncomfortable situations with her.
  • Encourage your child to get involved in group activities that interest her.

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