Health Tip: When Driving Alone

Stay safe when you have no passengers

(HealthDayNews) -- If you're a woman who often drives alone, you should take extra precautions, advises the American Automobile Association.

Here are some safety tips:

  • Drive with your doors locked and windows rolled up to the three-quarter mark.
  • Always have at least half a tank of gas in your car.
  • Never park next to a van with no windows.
  • Park in areas that will be well-lighted when you return to your car.
  • In large parking areas, use landmarks to remember where you parked.
  • If you're involved in a fender bender at night or in an isolated area, signal the other driver to follow you and drive to the nearest open business or police station.
  • If you suspect you're being followed, drive to the nearest open business for help. Don't drive to your home.
  • Don't leave your house keys with your car keys when your car is being serviced.
  • If you have car trouble, raise your hood or turn on your flashers. Stay inside your vehicle with the doors locked and use your cell phone to call for help.

In truth, these common sense guidelines are good for everyone's automobile adventures, regardless of gender.

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