Nagging Coughs

Know when to visit the doctor

(HealthDayNews) -- Your cold seemed to clear up a week ago, but you've still got a nagging cough. How do you know whether you should visit the doctor?

According to the Mayo Clinic, you should check out a persistent cough if:

  • You have a known risk of lung disease, such as previous lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or are a past or current smoker.
  • The cough lasts four to six weeks. Possible causes could be undiagnosed asthma, backup of stomach acid into the esophagus, or even side effects from certain medications.
  • You're coughing and have a fever or shortness of breath.
  • You notice a change in sputum color. Blood-tinged sputum requires urgent medical care, especially if you have chest pain.

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