E coli is a Very Nasty Bug

It can be lethal

(HealthDayNews) -- Every year, thousands of people in this country are infected by E. coli strain 0157:H7, a very nasty bacterium.

In a word, says John C. Brown, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Kansas, E. coli 0157:H7 is a killer. The toxin, Brown explains, "is a protein which causes severe damage to intestinal epithelial cells (which line the wall of the intestine)." The damage is so severe that if we acquire this bacterial strain, not only do we lose water and salts, blood vessels are damaged, and hemorrhagic bleeding can occur.

"This condition," he continues, "is particularly dangerous to small children -- [it] may be lethal -- [because] children are too small to tolerate much blood and fluid loss. It is for this reason that small children should not be allowed to become dehydrated, even in mild cases of diarrhea."

E. coli, which often is contracted from undercooked meat, eggs and even unwashed vegetables, may cause diarrhea. If it's accompanied by fever and vomiting, or there's any blood in the stool, check immediately with your doctor.

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