Health Tip: Is Your Infant Getting Enough Milk?

How to tell, if you're breastfeeding

(HealthDay News) -- Many new mothers who decide to breastfeed their babies worry if the infants are eating enough. Even if you can't measure the amount of milk your baby gets, there are other ways to be sure he has a healthy appetite.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a baby at least 3 or 4 days old should have a wet diaper at least six times a day. The urine should be pale yellow in color. Newborns should have at least two bowel movements per day until 1 week old, and at least five per day from ages 1 to 4 weeks. Older babies will have fewer bowel movements, and even may not have one for a day or two.

Your baby should be gaining weight regularly after the first week of life. If your baby does not appear to be gaining weight, you should talk to your pediatrician to see if he is not feeding enough, or if he may have some other condition. Regular feeding schedules should also indicate if your baby is getting enough to eat. Newborns should eat about once every 90 minutes to three hours.

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